ApeX Pro Testnet Experience

6 min readSep 10, 2022


Apex Pro recently just launched Feedback Reward Program, and i’m here will share my experience when i’m using ApeX Pro on testnet. In short way, ApeX Pro has impressed me when i’m using their dapp, and i’m here to share my experience when i’m using ApeX Pro.

First Impression
When i’m opening the dapp, the first impression of the dapp is amazing. Love the black-yellow combination as it’s look very futuristic for me, you can see it below.

But this is not the only thing that amaze me from ApeX Pro, let’s go deep down into their features now.

ApeX Pro Dashboard have a lot of features that will make every pro-trader much easier when using this dapp. Below you can see how much your Equity, Available Margin, Leverage, Contracts Value and your Profit on the day.


This is very helpful because every trader will have to keep tracking their equity to avoid liquidation and you can see it very helpful as you can see it on Dashboard. Not just this that very helpful, you can see your open positions on Dashboard as well.


This is very helpful and you can see you positon allocation as well by click the circle chart on top right.

Position Allocation

After that if you scroll down, you will see all Markets that’s available on ApeX Pro.


But not just a regular Markets feature, on ApeX Pro you can see how much the turnover on 24h and the open interest. You can see how many trades happened on 24h as well. This very helpful as traders can know what is the market sentiment by looking at this as it’s safe to open position or need to wait and see.

Let’s move to the side as we can see more features available like Orders, Transfers, Funding and Community.

Orders, Transfers, Funding and Community

Orders are basically your trade history. But not just it, you can see your active and filled positions, so traders will be easy to keep track with their positions.

Order History

Active Order

Filled Order

On active orders you can cancel your order as well, so traders don’t need to go to Trade page to cancel their order. Very helpful in my opinion.

Transfers are your deposit and withdraw history and Funding are history about paying funding rate into ApeX Pro. Helpful for traders that are doing an audit on their balance.



On community you can find about their Twitter, Discord and Telegram. Not all DEX have this features, so it’s a plus for ApeX Pro.


Now let’s moving on into Trade page. Here is how it look when we open the Trade page.


It looks like a normal trading page, but there is some top notch features that i found very helpful and interesting.

The first one is Conditional trading features.

Conditional Limit

Conditional Market

ApeX Pro have Conditional Limit and Conditional Market. Conditional Market in my opinion is just the same like Limit order, but Conditional Limit is amazing. So in short way Conditional Limit is when a cryptocurrency hit a certain price, it will open a active position on price that we already input before.

Example, I want to open a buy position on Bitcoin at $20,000. But i want to buy it if BTC hit $20,500 price mark. So if BTC doesn’t hit $20,500 the position will not be opened. This features will be very helpful to a part-time traders that not have a very much time to watch the markets.

The second features i found interesting is Funding Rate chart. Not all DEX have this features and usually you need to go to other parties to see a funding rate chart. But ApeX Pro have it, so we don’t need to go to other websites.

Funding Rate

The last one is Details on each cryptocurrency. It’s simple but i found this interesting, this will be helpful to new traders that still learning about cryptocurrency.


The last features that i want to talk about are Mining. This is not an actual mining, but it’s a Trade-to-Earn. So you will get more rewards the more trades you do on ApeX Pro. This is the first time i see a DEX have a Trade-to-Earn, this will be a breakthrought for ApeX and a lot of users will use ApeX Pro because of this features.


You can swap the rewards immediately on Swap features below, just click the ‘Swap’ and it will pops out.


So here is my feedback conclusion about ApeX Pro. ApeX Pro have a lot of features, the usual we see on trading dapp and some of interesting features as well. ApeX Pro definitely will be a top trading project with all of these features they have, especially the Trade-to-Earn features. It will attract more traders to try using ApeX Pro for the first time and after that they will find out about Conditional trading features. I’m 95% surely the traders will be stay using ApeX Pro for their daily trading activity.

ApeX Pro definitely will be a success on mainnet launch. Can’t wait for that and hope everything will be good for ApeX Pro team.

If you guys want to try ApeX Pro on testnet also, you can go to this link : https://dev.pro.apex.exchange/dashboard/overview

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So that’s about my experience and feedback about ApeX Pro. Hopefully everyone that read my blog will be feel the same experience as me. Thank you for your time, Ciao.

Contacts :
Twitter : https://twitter.com/muraten85801842
Discord : muratsen#9793

